Yukihiko Gondo

Yukihiko Gondo

Original Name 権藤 幸彦

Frequent supporting actor in Toho sci-fi and fantasy films. His parts rarely had any dialogue; he has at most one line in an all too brief shot as a helicopter pilot in Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster (1971). He’s best seen as an assistant detective in The Human Vapor (1960), especially for a lingering close-up of his intense, watery-eyed glare.

Original Name 権藤 幸彦

Frequent supporting actor in Toho sci-fi and fantasy films. His parts rarely had any dialogue; he has at most one line in an all too brief shot as a helicopter pilot in Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster (1971). He’s best seen as an assistant detective in The Human Vapor (1960), especially for a lingering close-up of his intense, watery-eyed glare.